Yesterday morning we said goodbye to Miss Victoria and hello to "Womble".

Womble ( tho my son would prefer to call her Dobby) is a brush tail baby, a little older than Scully was. Her ears are fully out and she has a dark pigment on her skin. She has survived the night which was beyond my expectations, and so for that feat alone I've decided to give her a webpage. I have learnt  a great deal about possy babies since Scully and I'm applying everything I know in earnest.

Womble was flung from her pouch by a very heat stressed  mum at the local air force base. I think she knew 47C temps were coming. After two weeks of 30+ and 40+ many distressed animals coming into care, I hope we can save this one.

I am a realist...we can't save them all...but we can try :)

Check my Blog for updates on Womble....and check back here for a pictorial timeline of her growth!

'Womble's timeline'

just arrived...

one week later..eyes just open.

One full month after coming into care :) Aww shux.

and now March 2009 and growing fast!

April and she's turning grey finally!

Late April and nearly 400grams! This is the obligatory 'in pouch' pic...Ive taken this same pic of nearly all the possys that come in here..its cuteness factor is beyond gorgeous:)

And here she is final pic...her release week...18th May 2009