Links to wildlife resources

If you find sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife, including birds and reptiles, anywhere in the State of Victoria there are several 24-hour help lines that you can call for immediate assistance and advice.   Please note that these phones are manned by dedicated volunteers.

  • 13 000 94535  Wildline (Wildlife Victoria)              
  • 0417 380 687  Help for Wildlife
  • 13 11 11    RACV  Wildlife Connect
  • 0450016102 Wildlife Of Werribee Shelter
  • 1300 223 427  BADGAR

Groups affiliated with BADGAR include:
Which can all contacted by phoning BADGAR 1300 223 427

These local veterinary clincs also support local Wildlife care, carers and groups by offering their time, services and advice :

Aside from monetary donations which are always welcome, if you have anything you think might be useful for housing and transporting animals or any donations for vet fees or time to offer in helping us getting injured wildlife the care they deserve and back to their homes, please contact me directly on 0449752325 and I will come and have a look or speak to you about how you can help. All donations made in the Hobsons Bay area, stay in the area.

Shelters, services and people I support:

Wildlife Victoria

Wildlife Of Werribee

Fourth Crossing Wildlife

Nigels Animal Rescue

Hawke Haven

Its a Wildlife Photography

Australian Fauna Care - Database

Petstock Hoppers Crossing

The Possum Whisperer ( for possy's in your roof)