Meet Scully. She's about the size of your index finger and weighs about 15 grams.

Scully is a 'pinky', a baby brushtail possum, yet to grow any fur. She's just arrived today. Her mum was dead by the time I arrived and Scully was stuck half in and half out of her pouch freezing cold when I plucked her. She's currently wrapped in a softsock and surrounded by warmth. She hasn't fed yet but I don't expect her to for a little while, until she gets over the shock. I am surprised she is still alive at all. There is a good chance she has brain damage from being so cold, but then so did Victoria and you just never can tell which one will and which one wont make it.

I dont know what killed her mother, there was no evidence of dog bite or obvious signs that she's been hit by a car. It may mean she had an illness or suffered the cold night too badly. I just don't know.

When I tried to feed her earlier, Scully grabbed onto the feeder with one hand which reminded me of that famous fetal surgery photo of the baby grabbing the surgeons finger. Scully's trusting me..and wants to live.

There is a very comprehensive book on hand raising marsupials, Australian Mammals, by Steve Jackson. In it there are feeding regimens, things to do and not to do etc. I am very lucky to have access to this info and am finding use for very one of his insights.

The sad reality is that little ones like this rarely do survive..the pouch is so tailored to suit each individual puggle that we simply cant reproduce it no matter how hard we try. We have the special milk and even the colostrum to support an infant immune system, we can warm them and carry them close to our own hearts..but we cant ever be their mum...just their 'other' mums.

I've lost a puggle at this stage before so I know the chances of her surviving are slim . I can only do my best and hope...and ask the Great Spirit who loves all animals to watch over this little life form and help her hang on. Some carers don't connect or wont let themselves with the pinkies..but I cant not connect. I think the emotional bond helps somehow, and for me, even if its just to give her a safe warm place to go peacefully..its worth it.

*Check my blog for updates on Scully

- painting, 'soulwalk' - blueskylady 09

Scully died at 1am Thursday  11/12/08

