Yes Ive been very tardy this year *smiles. Thanks to Sarah T I am here now and making up for lost time:)
Over the past months Ive been very busy and didnt have computor access for a while which in a way was nice, so  I apologise to those on the RSS feed for no messages of late!

I've been very busy with being a hockey mum and with my painting and of course, raising some very cute possums and other furry critters. There have been quite a lot of ill and injured possums about as well sadly, some of the outcomes havent been nice. I cant say enough that driving a little slower around suburban streets makes all the difference to the mums chaning trees and future dads on the prowl.

Anyway, here are some of the arrivals over the past few months..and I am pleased to say that all save two of the 9 possums to have come into care as orphans this year have been released:) Of the 26 juveniles and adults, 12 have been successfully released as well! Booyah:)

Here are links to the albums Ive kept on facebook, click on the heading and it will take you there. You dont haev to bea member of facebook to view them:)

Current Residents!

Recent Past Residents and growth shots!

Animal Updates page:

Some very special little ones:
