What  a difference a week makes. The devestation in QLD and NE Vic..not to mention NSW has left us all reeling.
Wildlife of Werribee, run by my good friend Dawn Stanford is currently running an appeal for donations to be sent to wildlife carers in effected flood areas. With a donated truck service and pallets etc..its up to us to fill them and get these good where they are needed most.

Here Dawn takes receipt of the first of what I hope will be many donations from us, a cage filled of medical supplies, seed and loads of  fiddly shelter things!  All supplies are being sent to Acacia Ridge for distribution to carers shelters and foster's. Still needed:
Linen, cash donations for specialist supplies and milk powders, porta-cots for joeys and wombat babies, sterilising solutions, wild bird seed, pet bowls, chux, baby bottles....if you can help, drop things to me and I will take to WOW on your behalf or contact Dawn directly on:
(WOW) 0450016102.


Along with the loss of life, comes new life...just as deserving of attention. And right on time..when I needed the distraction most as my own mother was missing for a day or two (found her :) a new arrival came into the shelter... a soggy blob of wriggle whiskers and claws.

We've called her "Squish" as that is the sound she made when I first grabbed a hold of her. Her eyes not even open at the time..she was cold and miserable but has perked up over the past week and now has her eyes opened!
She's adorable..only 100gms....and we welcome her to our home and thank her rescuer for his dilligence and care of this most gorgeous little life form.


And  last but by no means least....check out these guys!

Once the home of our 'little baby brood'  of wee fluffy things......our duck pen is now full with the sounds of splashing fluffing and preening testing wings and noisy teenage roaring egos. :) Our kiddies have all grown up and are about to be released!

Here's a pic of the 'guys'...pacific blacks:

and here..in all his cuteness...is Fonzi!

Over the next week, in staggard releases, all these fine young drakes and dames will be released back into the wild.
I am so proud of them..they made it.....we made it.  PHEW!

Soon my garden bed cum duck pen will have the full benefit of the many loads of poop these guys have delivered and I hope to grow some megasize vegies next season!

Best to everyone in this time of healing and change....our thoughts are with those still reeling.
Never alone.

